Required Packages

The following packages and the function will be required or may come in handy.


minmaxnormalise <- function(x){(x- min(x)) /(max(x)-min(x))}


US Candy Production Data

The following exercises 1-4 will be based on US Candy production candy_production.csv data set from Kaggle Variables are self explanatory however it is expected to do checks on the type of the data and using the suitable transformations if necessary. Here is a quick look of the candy data:

observation_date production
1972-01-01 85.6945
1972-02-01 71.8200
1972-03-01 66.0229
1972-04-01 64.5645
1972-05-01 65.0100
1972-06-01 67.6467
  1. Data Transformation: Use hist() to check the shape of the distribution of production variable in candy data set. Apply data transformation via mathematical operations such as log base 10, log base e, square root and reciprocal transformations. Apply BoxCox transformation. After you applied transformations, use hist() and check shape of the distribution for each transformation.

  2. Data Normalisation: Apply mean - centering and scale by the standard deviations without centering to the production variable in candy data set. Use hist() to check the shape of the distribution for both normalisations you applied.

  3. z Score Standardisation and Min- Max Normalisation: Apply z-score standardisation and min-max normalisation to the production variable in candy data set. Use hist() to check the shape of the distribution for both transformations you applied.

  4. Binning (a.k.a. Discretisation): Use equal width (distance) binning and equal depth (frequency) binning to the production variable in candy data set. Check the head of the first 15 observations for both transformations.

Ozone Data

The following exercises 5-9 will be based on ozone.csv data set which is taken from containing 366 observations and 13 variables. Variables are self explanatory however it is expected to do checks on the type of the data and using the suitable transformations if necessary.

Here is a quick look of the ozone data:

Month Day_of_month Day_of_week ozone_reading pressure_height Wind_speed Humidity Temperature_Sandburg
1 1 4 3.01 5480 8 20 NA
1 2 5 3.20 5660 6 NA 38
1 3 6 2.70 5710 4 28 40
1 4 7 5.18 5700 3 37 45
1 5 1 5.34 5760 3 51 54
1 6 2 5.77 5720 4 69 35
Temperature_ElMonte Inversion_base_height Pressure_gradient Inversion_temperature Visibility
NA 5000 -15 30.56 200
NA NA -14 NA 300
NA 2693 -25 47.66 250
NA 590 -24 55.04 100
45.32 1450 25 57.02 60
49.64 1568 15 53.78 60
  1. Data Transformation via Mathematical Operations: Subset variables ozone_reading, pressure_height, Pressure_gradient, Visibility, Inversion_temperature from ozone data set and name it ozone_sub. Use hist() to check the shape of the distribution for all the variables. Apply log base 10, log base e and square root transformations to the variables. sapply() function will come in handy to transform all the variables at once. Check the shape of the distribution of the variables using hist().

  2. Centering and Scaling: Apply mean-centering to ozone_sub data frame using apply() function. Check the shape of the distribution of the variables using hist().

  3. Min- Max Normalisation: Use min-max normalisation to the ozone_sub data frame. If you are getting NAs explain why. Take the appropriate action to fix the problem and apply the normalisation again. Use hist() to check the shape of the distributions of the variables.

  4. Binning: Use ozone_reading variable from ozone dataset and apply equal width (distance) and equal depth (frequency) binning. Compare the variable before and after binning. To do so use cbind() and show 15 observations from the outputs.

  5. Data Challenge: Use ozone_sub data frame and apply BoxCox transformation using apply() function. Show the shape of the distibution of the variables using hist(). See if you can use a loop for histograms.

  6. Bonus Exercise: Select ozone_reading, pressure_height, Inversion_temperature variables from ozone data set. Apply z-score standardisation using scales() and scores() functions. Then compare the results of these two functions to see if you get the same results. Don’t forget to deal with NA values.


If you have finished the above tasks, work through the weekly list of tasks posted on the Canvas announcement page.

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