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Each variable must have its own column.
Each observation must have its own row.
Each value must have its own cell.
is a one such package which was built for the sole purpose of simplifying the process of creating tidy data.
Following tidy principles makes manipulation, transformation, visualization, and modeling easier.
tidyverse is a set of packages that work in harmony because they share common data representations and API design.
haven, for importing spss sas .. data ggplot2 for visualization purr, for functional programming modelr, for simple modeling within a pipeline broom, for turning models into tidy data knitr, for report generation rmarkdown, turn your analysis into anything
There are many data manipulation packages/functions in R.
Most of them lack consistent coding and the ability to easily flow together.
This leads to difficult-to-read nested functions and/or choppy code.
There are many data manipulation packages/functions in R.
Most of them lack consistent coding and the ability to easily flow together.
This leads to difficult-to-read nested functions and/or choppy code.
The dplyr
package is regarded as the "Grammar of Data Manipulation" in R.
It provides a consistent set of verbs that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges.
Remember: dplyr
functions work with pipes %>% and expect tidy data .
There are six fundamental functions of data manipulation that dplyr
pick/select variablesfilter()
pick/filter observations based on valuesarrange()
sort variablesmutate()
create new variablessummarise()
summarise data by functions of choicegroup_by()
+ summarise()
There are also functions to join and merge data sets:
The full list of capabilities can be found in the dplyr reference manual.
I highly recommend going through it as there are many great functions provided by dplyr
that I will not cover here.
Often we only assess specific variables. The select()
function allows us to select variables.
In addition to the existing functions like :
and c()
, there are a number of special functions that can work inside select.
Functions | Usage |
- |
Select everything but |
: |
Select range |
contains() |
Select columns whose name contains a character string |
ends_with() |
Select columns whose name ends with a string |
everything() |
Select every column |
matches() |
Select columns whose name matches a regular expression |
num_range() |
Select columns named x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 |
one_of() |
Select columns whose names are in a group of names |
starts_with() |
Select columns whose name starts with a character string |
customer <- read.csv("../data/CustomerData.csv")head(customer[, 1:7], 5)
## CustomerID Region TownSize Gender Age EducationYears JobCategory## 1 3964-QJWTRG-NPN 1 2 Female 20 15 Professional## 2 0648-AIPJSP-UVM 5 5 Male 22 17 Sales## 3 5195-TLUDJE-HVO 3 4 Female 67 14 Sales## 4 4459-VLPQUH-3OL 4 3 Male 23 16 Sales## 5 8158-SMTQFB-CNO 2 2 Male 26 16 Sales
Which of the following can be used to:
Q1. select all variables between CustomerID
and Gender
Q2. select all variables other than those between CustomerID
and Gender
Q3. select CustomerID and all variables that contain the word "Card".
Q1. Select all variables between CustomerID and Gender.
select(customer, CustomerID:Gender)
Q2. Select all variables except for those between CustomerID and Gender.
select(customer, -(CustomerID:Gender))
Q3. Select CustomerID and all variables that contain the word "Card".
select(customer, CustomerID, contains("Card"))
identifies or selects observations in which a particular variable matches a specific value/condition.
The condition(s) can be any kind of logical comparison and Boolean operators, such as:
Symbol | Usage |
< |
Less than |
> |
Greater than |
== |
Equal to |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
!= |
Not equal to |
%in% |
Group membership | |
Is NA |
Symbol | Usage |
! |
Is not NA |
&, I |
Boolean AND, OR |
xor |
exclusive or |
! |
not |
any |
any true |
all |
all true |
Which of the following can be used to:
Q4. filter for female customers only.
Q5. filter for female customers that are greater than 45 years old AND live in region 3.
Q6. filter for female customers that are greater than 45 years old OR live in region 3.
Q4: Filter for female customers only.
filter(customer, Gender == "Female")
Q5: Filter for female customers that are greater than 45 years old and live in region 3.
filter(customer, Gender == "Female", Age > 45, Region == 3)
Q6: Filter for female customers that are greater than 45 years old or live in region 3.
filter(customer, Gender == "Female", Age > 45 | Region == 3)
orders the data by variables in ascending (default) or descending order.
For a descending order, use desc()
within the arrange()
Which of the following can be used to:
Q7: select the variables CustomerID
, Region
, Gender
, Age
, HHIncome
, CardSpendMonth
and save this as sub_cust
Q8: order sub_cust
data by Age
and CardSpendMonth
(ascending order).
Q9: order sub_cust
data by Age
(oldest to youngest) and CardSpendMonth
(least to most).
Q7: Select variables.
sub_cust <- select(customer, CustomerID, Region, Gender, Age, HHIncome, CardSpendMonth)
Q8: Order sub_cust data by Age and CardSpendMonth (ascending order).
arrange(sub_cust, Age, CardSpendMonth)
Q9: Order sub_cust data by Age (oldest to youngest) and CardSpendMonth (least to most).
arrange(sub_cust, desc(Age), CardSpendMonth)
adds new variables while preserving the existing variables.
creates a new variable and then drops the other variables.
Here is the list of some useful functions used inside the mutate()
Functions | Usage |
pmin() , pmax() |
Element wise min and max |
cummin() , cummax() |
Cumulative min and max |
cumsum() , cumprod() |
Cumulative sum and product |
between() |
Are values between a and b? |
cume_dist() |
Cumulative distribution of values |
cumall() , cumany() |
Cumulative all and any |
cummean() |
Cumulative mean |
Which of the following can be used to:
Q10: create a ratio variable that computes the ratio of CardSpendMonth
to HHIncome
using sub_cust
Q11: create two variables: ratio1 = CardSpendMonth / HHIncome and ratio2 = CardSpendMonth / Age.
Q10: Create a ratio variable that computes the ratio of CardSpendMonth to HHIncome.
mutate(sub_cust, ratio = CardSpendMonth / HHIncome)
Q11: Create 2 variables.
mutate(sub_cust, ratio1 = CardSpendMonth / HHIncome, ratio2 = CardSpendMonth / Age)
(or summarize()
) performs the majority of summary statistics.If we want to take the summary statistics grouped by a variable, then we need to use another function called group_by()
along with summarise()
functions will allow us to take and compare summary statistics grouped by another (usually factor) variable.
Which of the following can be used to:
Q12: compute the average CardSpendMonth
across all customers in our sub_cust data.
Q13: compute the average CardSpendMonth
for each Gender
Q14: compute the average CardSpendMonth
for each Gender
and Region
Q12: Avg spend across all customers.
summarize(sub_cust, Avg_spend = mean(CardSpendMonth, na.rm = TRUE))
Q13: Compute the average CardSpendMonth for each gender.
by_gender <- group_by(sub_cust, Gender)summarize(by_gender, Avg_spend = mean(CardSpendMonth, na.rm = TRUE))
Q14 : Compute the average CardSpendMonth for each gender and region.
by_gdr_rgn <- group_by(sub_cust, Gender, Region)avg_gdr_rgn <- summarize(by_gdr_rgn, Avg_spend = mean(CardSpendMonth, na.rm = TRUE))arrange(avg_gdr_rgn, desc(Avg_spend))
Often we have separate data frames that can have common and differing variables for similar observations (relational data sets).
Take a look at these toy data sets (i.e. band members of the Beatles and Rolling Stones):
## # A tibble: 3 × 2## name band ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Mick Stones ## 2 John Beatles## 3 Paul Beatles
## # A tibble: 3 × 2## name plays ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 John guitar## 2 Paul bass ## 3 Keith guitar
offers three sets of joining functions to provide alternative ways to join data frames.
Mutating joins: add new variables to one data frame from matching observations in another.
Filtering joins: filter observations from one data frame based on whether or not they match an observation in the other table.
Set operations: treat observations as if they were set elements.
Merging data sets: merge data frames by row and column.
: only retains rows in both datasets.
: prioritizes left dataset.
: prioritizes right dataset.
: retains all rows.
Each mutating join takes an argument by
that controls which variables are used to match observations in the two data sets.
: The default value. dplyr
will use all variables that appear in both tables, a natural join.
## # A tibble: 3 × 2## name band ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Mick Stones ## 2 John Beatles## 3 Paul Beatles
## # A tibble: 3 × 2## name plays ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 John guitar## 2 Paul bass ## 3 Keith guitar
band_members %>% inner_join(band_instruments) #only retains rows in both datasets
## Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
## # A tibble: 2 × 3## name band plays ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 John Beatles guitar## 2 Paul Beatles bass
band_members %>% left_join(band_instruments) #prioritizes left dataset
## Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
## # A tibble: 3 × 3## name band plays ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Mick Stones <NA> ## 2 John Beatles guitar## 3 Paul Beatles bass
band_members %>% right_join(band_instruments) #prioritizes right dataset
## Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
## # A tibble: 3 × 3## name band plays ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 John Beatles guitar## 2 Paul Beatles bass ## 3 Keith <NA> guitar
band_members %>% full_join(band_instruments) #retains all rows
## Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
## # A tibble: 4 × 3## name band plays ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Mick Stones <NA> ## 2 John Beatles guitar## 3 Paul Beatles bass ## 4 Keith <NA> guitar
semi_join(x, y)
: keeps all observations in x that have a match in y. anti_join(x, y)
: drops all observations in x that have a match in y.band_members
## # A tibble: 3 × 2## name band ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Mick Stones ## 2 John Beatles## 3 Paul Beatles
## # A tibble: 3 × 2## name plays ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 John guitar## 2 Paul bass ## 3 Keith guitar
band_members %>% semi_join(band_instruments) #keeps all observations in members that have a match in instruments
## Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
## # A tibble: 2 × 2## name band ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 John Beatles## 2 Paul Beatles
band_members %>% anti_join(band_instruments) #drops all observations in members that have a match in instruments
## Joining with `by = join_by(name)`
## # A tibble: 1 × 2## name band ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Mick Stones
intersect(y, z)
: return only observations in both y and z.union(y, z)
: return unique observations in y and z.setdiff(y, z)
: return observations in y, but not in z.bind_rows(y, z)
: Append z to y as new rows.bind_cols(y, z)
: Append z to y as new columns.
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